For every X-Men fan who’s wanted to get their partner into the conversation and every friend or family member who just doesn’t want to read the comics, welcome to “The X-Wife Podcast.” Justin’s wife Alicia has never read an X-Men comic and she plans to keep it that way… for now! Join as they dive in, break down and question Jonathan Hickman’s new vision of Marvel’s merry mutants on Krakoa. House of X, Powers of X, and the Dawn of X all kick off a story that’s billed as a perfect jumping-on point for new readers, but with more than 50 years of continuity that overwrites and contradicts itself, can there ever be a seamless start?

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Another light week for the Krakoans as we gear up for the incoming Fall! Honestly though, as you'll hear us say, we were pleasantly surprised. Captain Britain hits some character high notes, but the plot still seems to move slowly, especially for a book that only has one more issue. Deadpool notches its best issue of the run in our opinion as all the elements come together and work - just silly fun. And we dive into the past with Laura and Kimura in this new version of the Facility. Plus Nature Girl still Nature Girling, now with even more power! We talk Captain Britain #4, Deadpool #7, X-23: Deadly Regenesis #3 and Infinity Comics
1:30 News
16:28 X-Men Unlimited
21:58 X-23
35:10 Deadpool
46:54 Captain Britain
Thanks for listening to our sixty fifth episode of Season 4! We're building to the Fall and some might say we're already on the tipping point. The mutants better get ready for war! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
We're piecing the stories together with the info we have, finding books and making it through the timelines. Lethal Legion seems to have the upper hand until our mutants get the band together! Poor Escapade is on the outs with her friends though. War College adds a little more on each of our stories, but still keeps them separate to frustrating detail. Storm rocks the punk look in the first issue of a classic series that also seems to be seeding some resentment between Ororo and Charles. Plus Comic Extracts gives us what we missed in The X-Cellent! AND Nature Girl gets a stern talking to from the real X-Men. We talk New Mutants Lethal Legion #3, Bishop War College #4, Storm #1 and Infinity Comics
1:15 News
16:05 X-Men Unlimited
20:54 The X-Cellent
25:59 Storm
44:13 Bishop: War College
56:21 New Mutants Lethal Legion
Thanks for listening to our sixty fourth episode of Season 4! We're building to the Fall and some might say we're already on the tipping point. The mutants better get ready for war! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Destiny of X: New Comics for May 17 - X-Men #22, X-Force #40 and X-Men Unlimited
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
A short stack that packs a punch as all the villains cook up that Murder Science! Orchis is on full display in X-Men. Humanity's self proclaimed saviors have no interest in using kid gloves with the mutants anymore. Just when you thought Beast was getting dealt with in Wolverine - there's more! More Beasts, more timeline shenanigans and even more Quentin Quire. Plus the X-Men Green team starts to crack from the inside... We talk X-Men #22, X-Force #40 and X-Men Unlimited
1:10 News
16:00 X-Men Unlimited
21:01 X-Force
42:04 X-Men
Thanks for listening to our sixty third episode of Season 4! We're building to the Fall and some might say we're already on the tipping point. The mutants better get ready for war! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Coming to you after a loaded weekend a bit later than normal but with a lightning bolt of intensity! Storm claps back on Xavier's commanding attitude. Wolverine and Beast shore up their sides and ready for conflict as the CIA gets in the way. Captain Marvel delivering the emotions and some great Rogue! Rogue & Gambit notch our favorite issue of the series yet but it's still struggling to win Justin over. X-Men Green kick off one last hoorah as we get ready for Nature Girl to be done with. We talk X-Men Red #11, Wolverine #33, Captain Marvel #49, Rogue & Gambit #3 and Infinity Comics
1:51 News
10:57 X-Men Unlimited
14:44 Invincible Iron Man
23:03 Rogue and Gambit
43:46 Captain Marvel
57:28 Wolverine
01:18:33 X-Men Red
Thanks for listening to our sixty second episode of Season 4! Fallout from Sins of Sinister continues and it looks good for nobody wearing an X. What's next... Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
The fallout continues! And that fall is a long one. They're brewing up some impending doom for the island and a lot of sadness from us. Storm goes to work in Immortal X-Men, dishing out reads left and right while getting some back in return. Sons of X delves into Mother Righteous' plans and the impact it's having on Legion, Nightcrawler, and even Nimrod. Scarlet Witch shocks everyone with its last page. We get a pair of teases from upcoming events with Captain Krakoa - and it doesn't look good for the mutants. Plus the end of Gwenpool's love story and the end of our Unofficial X-Men against Mojo. Whew! We talk Immortal X-Men #11, Sons of X #1, Scarlet Witch #5, Free Comic Book Day and Infinity Comics
2:20 News
10:29 Love Unlimited
13:31 X-Men Unlimited
15:32 Free Comic Book Day
25:29 Scarlet Witch
37:11 Sons of X
01:05:40 Immortal X-Men
Thanks for listening to our sixty first episode of Season 4! Fallout from Sins of Sinister continues and it looks good for nobody wearing an X. What's next... Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Pfft, thanks a lot Mother Righteous! Such a huge week for the Sinister story as our latest event comes to a close - and sticks the landing! Some Otherworld updates to Morgan's plan (and renewed ally) and some bombastic Iron action from Mr. Tony Stark, appearing in two X books. That's right, I called Iron Man an X book. Strange times! Deadpool's giving sitcom vibes and we're here for it. Plus Gwen's love story takes a new turn and X-Men vs X-Men on Unlimited. We talk Sins of Sinister Dominion #1, Betsy Braddock Captain Britain #3, Invincible Iron Man #5, Deadpool #6 and Infinity Comics
01:43 News
07:08 Love Unlimited
11:08 X-Men Unlimited
13:45 Personal News
18:23 Deadpool
26:01 Iron Man
44:53 Captain Britain
1:04:50 Dominion
Thanks for listening to our sixtieth episode of Season 4! The Sins of Sinister are on the table and have been flipped on that guy! What's next... Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
RAGE!! So many feelings from these books this week y'all. Confusion, twists, and above all rage at the Council - at least from Alicia. We close out year 1000 of Sins of Sinister, usher in a new era of X-Force, explore our two separate narratives in War College and have good old fashioned New Mutants fun. We talk Nightcrawlers #3, X-Force #39, Bishop War College #3, New Mutants Lethal Legion #3, X-Treme X-Men #5, The X-Cellent #2 and Infinity Comics
1:28 News
12:13 Marvel Voices
14:18 Love Unlimited
16:33 X-Men Unlimited
20:04 The X-Cellent
25:40 X-Treme X-Men
32:46 New Mutants
47:05 Bishop War College
1:05:39 X-Force
1:39:23 Nightcrawlers
Thanks for listening to our fifty-ninth episode of Season 4! The Sins of Sinister are upon us! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Space battles galore! Local Brood, far off Brood and even our even further off Arakki fighting for what's left of their world. The Brood swarm is getting a little too intense for our friends and we've got to do something about it - I wonder how Captain Marvel and her team would feel about Scott's proposal now... The Red Diamond Queen and her army approach the remainder of our Brotherhood as they team up with an unlikely ally. It's date night with most of our Infinity Comics - or a team up pilot episode for Mojo. We talk Storm and the Bros #3, X-Men #21, Captain Marvel #48, X-23 Deadly Regenesis #2 and Infinity Comics
2:08 News
29:15 Marvel Voices
31:18 Love Unlimited
33:04 X-Men Unlimited
36:17 X-23 Deadly Regenesis
50:33 Captain Marvel
1:06:48 X-Men
1:49:36 Storm and the Bros
Thanks for listening to our fifty-eighth episode of Season 4! The Sins of Sinister are upon us! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Destiny of X: New Comics for March 29 and April 5 - Giant Size Catch Up Episode!
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Too many titles to list! Too much news to keep track off!! It has been a loaded few weeks of announcements, reveals and developments, but we're here in our new podcast recording space catching up on it all.
3:15 News
26:40 Marvel Voices
30:50 Love Unlimited
35:05 X-Men Unlimited
38:47 Invincible Iron Man
47:14 X-Men Unforgiven
57:10 Deadpool
1:02:43 Captain Britain
1:14:00 Sabretooth and the Exiles
1:26:36 Scarlet Witch
1:43:05 Rogue and Gambit
1:57:30 Wolverine
2:21:00 Immoral X-Men
Thanks for listening to our fifty-seventh episode of Season 4! The Sins of Sinister are upon us! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
It's all about the X ladies in this week's comics! Storm, Kate, Destiny, Khora, and even a little visit from Mother. We're wrapping up our 100 year jaunt with Storm and the Bros (new unofficial title) as our team takes the fight to Orbis for a sneaky Star Wars adventure. Brothership forever! Marauders ends as threads are wrapped up quickly and Threshold has a bright past.. made future? Gene soup for everyone! Our X-Treme team grapple with the baddies sans powers, which has never stopped them in the past. And we catch up on some Infinity stories as Marrow and Feral's adventure ends, Deadpool's love misadventure closes and a new story starts with Negasonic Teenage Warhead. We talk Storm and the Bros #2, Maruders #12, X-Treme X-Men #4, and a bunch of Infinity Comics
1:17 News
8:46 Marvel Voices
16:06 Love Unlimited
17:53 X-Men Unlimited
20:22 X-Treme X-Men
36:19 Marauders
58:37 Storm and the Bros
Thanks for listening to our fifty-sixth episode of Season 4! The Sins of Sinister are upon us! Like, subscribe, follow, email, and @ us all over the internet at thexwifepodcast. If you enjoyed the episode, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell your friends!